
Outdated Open Source Library Dependancies

I thought that this would be a good starting point based on recent news about flaws that exist in software readily available that have dependancies on outdated open source libraries. Software libraries are pieces of code that have been written so they can be reused by future pieces of code, or to tie one piece of software to another.  Most (if not all) of the software we use today relies upon libraries so that x piece of software can communicate with y  piece of software or to speed up development of z  piece of software. What this means is if we, as developers, don't maintain our library dependancies as we are writing our software to keep up with the current security flaws found in said libraries, we risk exposing our software, and our users, to security risks. Linus Torvalds has a saying that sticks in my head :: "We don't break user space." By failing to keep our systems (and our software) up to date, we risk breaking user space.  This leads to systems gett

New Blog

I am starting this blog as a way for me to post random things about Open Source, and to post News in regards to Alfheim Software Projects.  As I feel the world that is open source code projects, heavily influences our day to day decisions within the Alfheim ecosystem, you will see A LOT of posts related to open source projects and how they are influencing our own decisions.  I will also cover other pertinent news in relation to technology as this also influences our decisions. Each week I plan on releasing a "podcast" of sorts on my youtube feed in relation to the post highlights of the week, which I am planning on being at least an hour long each week.  I will also release regular audio posts on youtube (videos may come later). All this being said, I have some very polarizing views.  At times people may say that my views are controversial.  If you don't like what I have to say, or wish to correct an error I may have made, please feel free to comment.  I am not afraid